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Solutions for Safety
Tools for public safety contractors, integrators, PDs, Fire Departments, EMR, vehicle manufacturers/integrators, and organizations
Directly integrate with local law enforcement data services
These issues have real impacts:
Police/civilian interactions turned violent annually
$2 Billion
Annual cost for settlement of lawsuits and damages
10 Million
Police interactions a year
Officers Investigated for misconduct in the past 10 years
The way our police function today must change.
Identifying Issues is Necessary
Police and civilian interactions lack the systems necessary to reveal why situations escalate to the use of force, pursuits, search and seizure, off-duty conduct, and more.
Transparency is Crucial
Streetlight cameras, bodycams, and the 911-crisis response service aren’t enough to provide the level of insight needed to for assessing interactions.
Supervision is Essential
Police departments and civilians are hindered by officers who lack proper training and/or decide to take the law into their own hands.
What’s Needed?
A new way of thinking about how this can be accomplished.

A virtual law enforcement platform
Virtual Traffic Stops
Remotely conducted
Officer and driver remain in their vehicles
Entire interaction is conducted through smartphones or in-vehicle infotainment systems
Virtual access to medical, mental health and legal professionals on standby
Citation is issued digitally, and available through our app and/or e-mail
Enhanced Crisis/Crime Reporting
Video call is streamed to dispatch
Visual information enhances department’s understanding of the situation
Images of potential suspects can be captured and used by law enforcement professionals
Dialogues with broken speech, accents, or foreign languages are less hindered
Immediate Crisis Response
EMTs can provide medical assistance virtually
Visual indicators of situations can help assess necessity of physical presence
Departments can increase their response capacity by handling many of them virtually
Domestic disputes can be handled by counselors/officers virtually communicating with individuals separately
Learn more about the different ways our solution solves many of the problems that exist today.
Enabling third-party social and legal services to interactions
Reduced physical interaction
Real-time dialogue monitoring
Increased capacity of existing police resources
More personal communications between officers/civilians
Better informed officers upon arrival
All interactions are recorded and supervised
Increased safety for officers and civilians
Geo-location and positioning for crowd reported events